For the Photoshoppers...

Have you ever wondered if there was

a way to change the background in PS

to ANY color besides that dark gray?

It's dark gray for many reasons as we Photoshoppers know, BUT I found out it can basically be ANY COLOR YOU DEEM WORTHY (in my case, off-white). So, here I am sharing the fun hack with you in FOUR SIMPLE STEPS! This hack isn't for everyone, but if you're big on color & would like to change-up your "Photoshop Aesthetic" this hack just might be for you.


step 1

Open Photoshop. In the top left corner,

hover over "PREFERENCES".


step 2

Under Preferences,

click on "INTERFACE".


step 3

In Appearance, choose the overall Color Theme

in "dark gray, medium gray, light gray, or off-white".


step 4

Under Standard Screen Mode, select a color,

or select your own Custom Color - mine is "fafafa".

& tada!

You now have your very own

Customized Photoshop!


Goodbye, dark grey.

Last but not least...

If you liked this hack, share with others

so they can see & give it a try for themselves!

p.s. Don't forget to always wear BLUE LIGHT GLASSES

to protect your pretty eyes while looking at a screen.

Here's what I like to use
